March for Babies: Team Davis Doodlebugs
It's been pure craziness around here so I apologize for not updating sooner. Two weekends ago, Mom, Jason & I participated in the March for Babies put on by March of Dimes. This is the first year we had ever participated in a walk, but this one hit home with us. It helps the millions of babies born prematurely every year who have to stay in the NICU. We were a team of only three, but we raised a whopping $1,030.00!! What an accomplishment!! We would like to thank each and every one of you who donated to this very worthy cause! We will most likely be hitting you up again next year, so beware! :) HAHA
This past weekend Ryan graudated from Texas State University with a Bachelor of Exercise & Sports Science (BESS). He is going to coach and teach history. We are VERY proud of him. He is currently looking for a job, preferably within a fairly close proximity to family in East Texas. He has two job interviews set up already. Congratulations, Ryan! We all love you & are so proud of your accomplishments! :)
We have been incredibly busy around here. We've been trying to pack up here and there when the girls allow us to. We have a lot of it packed, but still have plenty more to go. We have also been having to pack up our classrooms as well, and that's a LOT of stuff. Plus, Jason's been gone for Regional Track Meet this week so Ryan's here to help out (Thank you, Lord!)...Ryan is great with the girls & they love when he's here because he'll sit in the floor and play with them for however long they want! They already have him wrapped around their little fingers (all 20 of them)! :)
I guess that's it for now. The next time we update the blog we probably will have already moved. Our last day of school at Henrietta is Friday, 5/29, and then we have a teacher work day & luncheon on Saturday, 5/30. We will be packed up the night of 5/29 so that when the luncheon is over on Saturday, we can leave immediately. We'll update again when we can! Until then...take care! :)