Well, Avery & Kenadee are now 4 months old! Momma and Daddy can hardly believe it. Time has gone by so fast! They had their 4 month appointment with the pediatrician on Monday & he said they were doing great! Avery weighed 13lb 4oz, and Kenadee weighed 13lb 6oz! They measured right on target in every category & Dr. Yap was very impressed with their excellent head control. He recommended that we start giving them rice cereal (the box kind that you mix with formula) and that we introduce new vegetables to them (one veggie per week to watch for potential food allergies). We were so excited and went straight to Wal-Mart to buy them some food! We got the cereal and for week one, we chose PEAS. Let's just say Kenadee is taking after her Gran & her Uncle Ryan. She absolutely, positively HATED the peas. She made some of the funniest faces when we tried to feed it to her. She wasn't too crazy about the cereal either but she didn't make "as bad" of faces with the cereal as she did with the peas. Avery didn't act like any of it really tasted bad, but she didn't really know what to do with it either. She'd hold it in her mouth for a little while and then eventually she'd spit it back out. I guess we just need to keep practicing. But, I'm pretty sure that Kenadee is just ready for us to move on to something else...like maybe chocolate, haha :) The pictures I'm including are from their food experiences with the peas & one of them in their sunglasses on their 4 month birthday! Hope you enjoy! :)
hey jenn, this is really neat! the girls are precious and you and jason look great too! mccoy hates peas too, he would much rather have sweet potatoes or squash. i'm glad everything is good for ya'll. i know you aren't looking forward to going back to school, the summer has been great hasn't it? well talk to you later!
Hey girl...How adorable!! They are too cute and growing way to fast. I cannot believe that they are already 4 months!
Good job Gran!!! The sunglasses look great! The girls are so precious, Jenn. How neat is this? You are super creative. I would have never thought of this. Love keeping up with you guys.
This is too cute! Love all the pictures and their cute little expressions with their food! Your family is so cute. I cannot believe they are already 4 months old! They all grow up way too fast. Enjoy the rest of your summer.
I LOVE the sunglasses. TOO CUTE!!!
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